It’s never a good idea to drive on a flooded street. However, there are times when you may find yourself unexpectedly on a Charleston road that has flooded. The weather in Charleston can is extreme. Poor roadway infrastructure, substandard roads, heavy rain, and high tide can lead to disaster. CAP Towing offers the following tips on how to drive safely when there’s water on the road. Standing water on the road is dangerous. CAP Towing, the top rated tow truck company in Charleston offers the following advice.

What to do when the street floods

First, if you find yourself on a flooded street the best thing to do is to turn around.  Always remember Stay Safe, Don’t Drown, Turn Around. Modern cars contain a lot of electrical components. It doesn’t matter if you’re driving a truck, an SUV, or any other type of car. Your vehicle is not designed to drive thru standing water. Driving your car down a flooded street or even a large puddle of standing water can cause thousands of dollars in damage. Even worse, you could total your car making it completely unusable forever. At CAP Towing we understand that unpredictable weather can put you in a dangerous situation.  If you find yourself driving through water despite your best effort to avoid the situation we have some tips that can help.

Why Shouldn’t I Drive My Car Thru Water?

Flood water can hide large potholes or debris on the road.  The road could also be either partially or completely washed away. Just six inches of standing water is enough to hit the bottom of most passenger cars. Flood waters can enter your exhaust leaving you and your car stranded. Standing flood water can also cause your car to float away. 

Advice For Driving on Flooded Streets

If you absolutely have no other choice, here are some basic tips to help you navigate a flooded street. 

  • Drive down the center of the road if possible 
  • Try to follow the path taken by the other cars ahead of you
  • Only cross where the water is extremely shallow 
  • Drive in a low gear 
  • Test your brakes

What do I do if my car floods? 

Under no circumstances should you try to start your car. Trying to start your car after it has flooded can be catastrophic. Call a tow truck company in Charleston to transport your car to a repair shop. CAP Towing is the top rated tow truck company in Charleston SC. Our expert tow truck operators are available to assist you. We offer affordable and professional tow truck service and roadside assistance throughout Charleston South Carolina. 

Charleston Street Floodinglreston