If Your Car Is Experiencing Any Of These Problems You Shouldn’t Ignore Them
First, it is not uncommon for your car to occasionally make noises. If you experience car problems you should’t ignore them. The rough roads in Charleston County are very hard on your car. For instance, poor road design and deferred road maintenance causes undue wear and tear on your car. If your car presents any of the symptoms listed below, you need to take action. In some situations you will need to bring your car to a repair shop immediately. If your car can not be driven, you can rely on CAP Towing to safely transport your car to any location you choose within the greater Charleston SC area.
Warning Lights
First, if any of the warning lights on your cars dash come on do not ignore them. You might hope they will go off on their own. Unfortunately, that’s unlikely to happen. Most importantly, your cars warning lights are designed to inform you that something wrong with your car. Don’t panic, the check engine light may have come on for something minor. The only way you can know for certain is to have your car looked at by a knowledgeable mechanic.
Squeaky Brakes
Next, squeaking brakes aren’t just annoying, they can be dangerous. The squeaking could be caused by worn out brake parts. For example, your brake pads have a metal tab that becomes exposed as the brake pad material wears away. When this tab contacts the brake rotor, it makes a high-pitched squeaking sound. This sound let you know it’s time to replace your brake pads. As a result, the longer you wait to replace your brake pads, the worse the sound and your ability to stop your car will get.
Rough Shifting
Finally, if your car is shifting roughly it’s important that you bring it to a mechanic to investigate the issue. There could be an issue with your transmission. For instance, worn clutches, stripped gears, or low transmission fluid could be the issue. Look for a trusted transmission repair facility located in Charleston SC.
CAP Towing a Tow Truck Service in Charleston SC You Can Rely On
At CAP Towing we hope that you never experience problems with your car. However, if you do you can always rely on us for affordable and professional tow truck service. We provide tow truck service and roadside assistance to Folly Beach SC, James Island SC, Kiawah Island SC, Seabrook Island SC, Johns Island SC, Mt Pleasant SC, Daniel Island SC and the rest of Charleston SC. CAP Towing is veteran owned and operated. We provide tow truck service and roadside assistance 24 hours a day.
Call CAP Towing Today 843-900-1231